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  • Honduras | Wicked Joe Organic Coffees

Wicked Joe is proud to be offering this fine coffee in partnership with the Maine Conference UCC and in support of the CEVER Project. The Cever school is a vocational school, located in Yoro, Honduras, that serves students between the ages of 12-24. Students study in the technical areas of auto-mechanics, welding, industrial mechanics, sewing and woodworking, and also have the option of pursuing basic educational courses. The CEVER Project works to support the CEVER School financially, spiritually, and emotionally. In the process of providing support, we hope to build and strengthen links between people in Maine and people in Honduras. Your purchase of this fine coffee helps the Maine Conference UCC support this worthy cause. For more information and to help CEVER go to www.theceverproject.org.

Coffee has become one of the few major Honduran export success stories of recent years by targeting socially and quality-conscious consumers. Marcala, in southwest Honduras, has been famous for coffee production since the early 20th century thanks to all the environmental factors it has on its side – great soil, high altitude, perfect climate and abundant shade. This fantastic washed coffee is comprised of Lempiera and Catuai cultivars and is grown at an altitude of 1800m. The Honduran Central Coffee Cooperative is a network of 61 cooperatives and pre-cooperatives representing more than 6,000 small-to-medium scale Honduran coffee growers and their families. CCCH assures small producers greater power in dealings with the coffee purchasers, and promotes social programs with particular attention to women. The organization also seeks a Honduran coffee policy that benefits the national producing sector. In Honduras 2 million people, within a population of 6 million, are directly or indirectly involved in the coffee production industry. Coffee is the main export product. In the last few years, its price on the world market has drastically fallen, generating financial problems too many coffee producers making Fair Trade a vital force in this region areas where water conservation is vital.